We were the last ones up Granite Mountain and the only ones staying over night. People were giving us the craziest looks as they headed down the mountain on the hottest day of the year so far, as we trudged up it with huge bags and very sweaty faces. Almost exactly this time last year my Dad and I had gone up Granite Mountain for my first time- we chose the bouldering route which was exciting, and challenging. This time, with Rich and I having our 50+ liter bags, we stuck to the main trail, which was lost towards the top still buried under many feet of snow. Last year this area was snow-free and the meadows were visible. Not this time! It was my first time ever camping on snow. I was a little nervous about it, but we were well prepared. The observation tower was closed by the time we got to the summit, but the ranger staying up there walked over to our tent site and chatted with us for awhile and invited us to hang out for awhile while in the observation tower while we ate our dinner. Win! The sunset, the stars, and the sunrise were incredible.
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