
Thursday, December 1, 2016

I've got Gadgets and Gizmos a'plenty {Ragamuffin Diaries}

Fact: You are never too old to go to see The Little Mermaid (or any other princess play for that matter) with your mom. Since I work in Downtown Seattle I began seeing ads for this play all over town, plastered on busses and in the newspapers starting in July- so I called up my mommy dearest and said this: "Dear Mommy Dearest, I'm not sure if you have thought about my birthday yet, but in case you were wondering what to get me for my birthday, if anything, I thought I would inform you that The Little Mermaid is a play I have always wanted to see and I would like to see it with you."
... or something along those lines.

SO for my birthday, that is precisely what we did! It was a great day hanging out with my parents - my dad had presented me with his recent garage saw-dust creation project which was a beautiful bedside table to accompany my amazing new lodge-style bed (more on this later). I tickled the ivories while my mom got gussied up, we went by my house to visit Blaise, and then off we went into the emerald city. I was curious how they would do this play- since obvi the mermaids live underwater. All I can say is that there was a lot of swaying and body rolling. Those mermaids will have abs of steel by the time the show moves on...

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