
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Big Fat Slice of American Pie {It's my Blog and I'll Cry if I Want To}

I'm discouraged. I'm discouraged for a couple reasons. I'm discouraged that the two candidates put forth were the "best" candidates we could find. Are they really the best we could find? I'm discouraged because I feel that both party's nominated individuals should represent the strength, unity, and pride that our country stands for.
And friends, that is not what we got. 
I'm discouraged because while many claimed to turn their backs on representing Trump because of the naivety and vulgarity that spewed from his mouth, still apparently couldn't muster the nerve to not vote for their registered party, or perhaps one could chock it up to a moment of weakness in integrity.

What I mean is this: If you're going to say you believe certain things (whatever that is!)- live that. Have the forthrightness to stand by what you say, what you do, and what you believe.

Do you question everything? Do you have the audacity to stand by your creed with confidence?

For the Christian that voted Republican because you believe that Republican beliefs match the Christian Way: can you truly explain not just what you believe, but why? And when did the republicans claim the Christians? I was raised to believe that being a Christian meant to love all and to do what is right... last time I checked that didn't include sexism, racism, and vulgarity.

For the Dad who has a little girl: can you look your daughter in the eye and tell her that the way our president talks about, and treats women is "just how men are"? When she's older and is assaulted- will you stand by the example set forth by your president still?

For the husband or wife that has a spouse with cancer, are you prepared to sit next to them when you tell then you can't afford treatment because Insurance companies have denied your coverage?

For the gun owner that states they have guns to protect their families, ask yourself - from whom are you protecting them?

For the sibling of a mentally disabled brother or sister, how will you explain to them why the president of the United States mocks their disabilities?

For Women: will you be as willing to sacrifice your right to choose if ever put in the situation when you may need to make one of the hardest decisions of your life regarding your pregnancy?

For those who have friends or family in the LGBT community, are you ready to tell them that you don't think they deserve to have the same rights as you?

For the soldier who is proud to call this president your Commander in Chief, are you ready to fight in a war that could be instigated by your chief's naivety of foreign politics and blatant racism? Or fight under the commands of a president that negates the bravery of American Prisoners of War?

For the wilderness lovers who waived their red flag, are you ready for climate negotiations to take a far lesser priority, or rather even make the cut in the list of matters to address? We should have listened to Chief Sealth when he said this: "Only when the last tree has died, the last river been poisoned, and the last fish caught, will we realize we cannot eat money."

For all of us: it's important to question why we believe in what we believe. The answer shouldn't be because of the church we assign ourselves to, or what our parents believe, or just because that's the party your family and community has always assigned itself to. Question everything. Question the issues that don't necessarily effect you directly, but might effect somebody close to you. Question why your opinions are what they are, and be ready to defend that. Whatever stance you take, know why you're taking it and be prepared to stand by it with integrity.

Question Everything. Have Integrity. And Buckle Up.

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